Cuban Sandwich

A very brief history of the Cubano The origins of the Cuban sandwich are not entirely known, however its later history can be traced back to the late 1800’s when cigar factory workers would travel from Havana to the Florida Keys and Tampa for work and bring the sandwiches with them for lunch. ByContinue Reading

A delicate crispy crust with billowy soft dough on the inside, Cuban bread is a drool-inducing force to be reckoned with. When my grandmother would come to visit us on Saturday mornings, she always brought three loaves, knowing that we would descend on them like vultures finding road kill inContinue Reading

vaca frita

The literal translation for “vaca frita” is “fried cow”, which is not exactly the most appetizing name. However, the fact is that this is one of the tastiest steak dinners in Cuban cuisine. It’s basically a fried flank steak that gets parboiled, shred apart when tender, and then re-fried withContinue Reading

Cuban picadillo

Picadillo is known as the “poor man’s meal”. It is a pork and ground beef hash which is a combination of savory and sweet thanks to the inclusion of raisins, olives, capers, peas, and potatoes. Served over a bed of rice and often with a side of fried ripe plantains,Continue Reading