Photo gallery: a friend’s travels to Cuba
My long-time friend Luis is a first-generation American like me, whose parents were born in Cuba and had to flee the island in the face of Communism. Among the many stories he’s told me so far, the one that has stood out the most was the one about his grandfather, Alberto Garcia,Continue Reading
Sopa De Pollo | Chicken Soup
This was a good opportunity to use up some of the vegetables that needed to be eaten sooner rather than later, too. My only lament is that I did not have any croquettes stored in the freezer, not to mention, I am out of cracker meal (and crackers!). Making aContinue Reading
National Garlic Day: Garlic soup
There’s a national day of celebration for just about every day of the calendar. According to the National Day Calendar website(yes, it exists) today is not only National Amaretto day but also #NationalGarlicDay. There are over 300 smelly varieties of this relative of onions, leeks, and shallots. While the superstitiousContinue Reading